Kurnia Hayati Rahman* Bima Ewando Kaban* Nurina Febrianti Ayuningtyas** Hafid Algristian***

*Oral Medicine Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
**Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
***Psychiatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nahdlatul Ulama, Surabaya, Indonesia

Correspondence email to: kurniahayatirahman@gmail.com


Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disease characterized by taste change and burning feeling of clinically normal oral mucosa. This case report was to discuss the role of immune and endocrine function in BMS. Patient had moderate depressive episode and her general health was worsening by Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

A 19-year-old female complained about burning feeling in her entire mouth shortly after had chili sauce. She already felt the burning sensation episodes for four months. She also complained about the same burning feeling in her chest especially when eating spicy and sour food. She also had another complaint of anxiety and stress. After a thorough history, physical and supportive examinations and followed by filling out Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42), patient was referred to ENT, internist and psychiatrist. The diagnosis was concluded as BMS in moderate depressive episode patient with GERD. To reduce the oral symptoms, patient was advised to avoid spicy and sour food. She was also prescribed with chlorine dioxide oral mouthwash and sterile soda bicarbonate water. At the same time, the internist prescribed lansoprazole and braxidin, while the psychiatrist prescribed sertraline and clobazam.

The etiology of BMS in this case is not fully understood, but it is thought to be multifactorial with local, systemic and psychological factors. A thorough work-ups and follow-ups were important to build patient’s trust and contribute to the successful of the treatment plan. In the management of BMS, recognition and elimination of GERD as triggering factors in this case were crucial, which eventually reduce intensity, recurrence and frequency of the burning sensation.

Key words: Burning mouth syndrome, GERD, depressive episode

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